Liza Sweeting

Liza Sweeting

Liza completed her Balanced Body comprehensive training under Erin Myers in 2017 and was then certified with the National Pilates Certification Program in 2018. Liza’s passion is helping all find health through movement. Joining Marathon after teaching for 5 years throughout Tennessee, Liza has completed continuing education to deepen her understanding of the brain-body connection. With Wendy LeBlanc-Arbuckle, Liza explored the conversation of the body as bio-intelligent, working to develop cues to deepen the awareness and enjoyment in one’s body. Liza dove deeper for her spinal pathology clients through the Scoliosis Intensive with Erin Myers to further her toolbox and understanding of movement for those living with Scoli. Most recently, Liza focused her studies on applied anatomy, physiology, and pathology, sharpening her understanding of clients’ health conditions and how to best move bodies coming from a clinical setting to the studio. She looks forward to moving with you!

Meet Our Team

Marathon Pilates’ trust & reputation are part of what make the studio great. What began as a Pilates studio has blossomed into a multi-modality wellness center. MP focuses on all aspects of health and wellness inside and out, with a small retail space at our 12th Ave studio. We align with the best instructors to ensure your needs are uniquely met. Meet Team MP!

marathon pilates august 2022

Manager, CBI

marathon pilates august 2022

CPI/Senior Trainer

marathon pilates august 2022

Manager, CBI

marathon pilates august 2022

CPI/Senior Trainer

marathon pilates headshots 2022

Senior Trainer CPI, Franklin Method Level 1 Educator